מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Astronomy Israel - Latest astronomical outreach

 (Hebrew version - press here)


Recent selected outreach projects, from the program "back to the Community" by the Bareket Observatory in Israel. 

Among the goals of the program -- is increased communication and understanding within the population of the Middle East using astronomy as the catalyst.


* Astronomy - Net (Astro EDU network)

We are Pleased to announce the launch of the Astro-Edu network , a free state-of-the-art astronomy Education databasefor teachers, students and the general public.  Astro-Edu net can be translated to more than 60 different languages ​​using the integrated translation module (move your cursor over the flag in the upper left to translate the materials). Visit Astro-Edu at Http://www.bareket-astro.com/astronet 


Live NASA Deep space voyage - by the Bareket observatory remote Internet Telescope 

Using a sophisticated robotic telescope and a super sensitive cooled CCD camera, special musical image sonifications for those who are blind and an expert astronomer who will provide live explanations - every one will have the ability to enjoy from his/her special private journey through space-time.

The public was encourage to submit their "ask the astronomer" questions, via a dedicated online form, before or during the live event. The event was broadcasted Live at NASA website as well as at the Bareket observatory's web site. There were total of 2 independed webcasts, each one took about 1.5 hours in duration.


*  Partial solar eclipse - Live webcast

*  Live a full lunar eclipse - Live webcast | Including free Lesson plans and experiments (physics, mathematics) and hands on activities related to the lunar eclipse. Open to all the interested.

* Live webcast of Comet P1 Garradd with Universe today
6 hour live feed of the comet, opened a window to the universe for teachers, students and the general public. During the event more than 400 long exposure images was captured. The Internet telescope pinpointed the comet's core with extreame accuracy.

*  Project "Asteroid discoveries by students" : monitoring and search for asteroids and near Earth objects, by high school students 

* Live Venus transit webcast: special coverage of the Venus transit at June 6th including hands-on-astronomy-activities

השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבתבכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים שיערות בירניקה, הממוקמת ליד קבוצת הכוכבים אריה. מצאו את הכוכב המסומן בקבוצת הכוכבים בירניקה (המכונה 'בתא בירניקה'),...
קרא עוד...
M3 צביר הכוכבים
כוכב הלכת חמה - חמה מקיף את השמש במהירות הגדולה ביותר מבין כוכבי הלכת. כוכב הלכת חמה משלים הקפה אחת סביב השמש בכל 88 יממות.קרא עוד