מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Astro EDU network - by the Bareket observatory



We are pleased to announce the launch of the Astro-Edu network, an open state-of-the-art astronomy education database for teachers, students and the general public. [2008]

Among the goals of Astro-Edu is increased communication and bonding within the population of the Middle East using astronomy as the catalyst. The Astro-Edu network can be translated to more than 60 different languages using the integrated translation module. 

Project's homepage: http://www.bareket-astro.com/astronet
Watch a video of one of the initiative's astronomical activities:'NASA Deep Space webcast'



The initiative provides a number of fascinating resources for astronomy and space, including access to virtual and remote robotic telescopes, as well as interactive applications. With them, students can explore mathematics, physics, geography and other subjects using genuine astronomy and space-related data, and making real scientific observations. The Astro-Edu is has been conducted by the Bareket observatory.



Example works


Read example research projects abstracts, conducted by high-school students, via our remote telescope:


1. Asteroid photometry, modeling and tracking


2. Binary stars photometry & 3D modeling [PDF]


3D model of the Asteroid '901 Brunsia' - based on the students acquired photometry data:

Asteroid 3D model 901 Brunsia






About the Astro-Edu network


Imagine a place where teachers and young students can take a journey into space, without ever leaving their home or classroom. 
An educational place with practical and computer-based activities to inspire and excite them, while supporting the National Curriculum.

A place that give a vision of the future, while bonding the population at the middle east, using real science and educational opportunities in space and Earth science topics.


That is the main core of the Bareket observatory Astro-Edu Net  program.

The program made especially for students ages 6 to 18 (K1-K12), and is including special chapters for teachers and hands on classroom activities.

The Astro-Edu program is also offering FREE ACCESS to on line science tutorials, lesson plans, CCD astronomical images library, physics projects live webcasts, viewing access to the Israeli INTERNET ROBOTIC TELESCOPE and much more...

The Astro-Edu net is open to all the interested.
Read about our Astronomy outreach and educational activities in the middle east




Bareket observatory’s Astronomical-Educational net (Astro-Edu Net) is an educational program that enables students to investigate the Universe while applying tools and concepts from science, math, and technology. 

Using the Internet, Astro-Edu network (astro-net) participants around the world can have access to observations from the Bareket observatory automated Internet remote controlled telescope, Remote controlled 'Lunar rover', download images from a large image archive, and analyze them with the aid of user-friendly image processing software. The Bareket observatory is the educational center for the Astro-net project.


A review from the IYA09 international year of astronomy official web site (www.astronomy2009.org) : Bareket Observatory (Israel) introduces teachers and students from around the country to other colleagues from all over the globe and provides them with the scaffolding to perform research projects in their classroom.



Students are participating at the projects by using the observatory's on-line activities and completing observations on its state of the art remote internet telescope, analyzing the data and interpreting their results.


The ASTRO-EDU programme's core actions give an opportunity to anyone who has an interest in the night sky and wishes to have fun learning about the Universe in a scientific manner. It is "research-based" in the sense that it integrates scientific research with education, globally speaking.

In order to achieve a comprehensive coverage for the project it was decided to start an initiative to create a large educational database for students and teachers.  A new state-of-the-art educational website, including lesson plans, online activities, video training, a CCD library, and much more will be released. A goal is to translate all materials into Arabic to make it more accessible to the Israeli population.









Live astronomical webcasts



As an integrated part of the Astro-Edu network, we offer an extensive cover of dominated astronomical events. Via our robotic Internet telescope.

* Deep Space Live Web Cast : Join NASA & the Bareket observatory in a special deep space journey through a robotic telescope!


Image: astronomical observation at the Bareket observayory, Israel.

See more images at our Image gallery





students search for asteroids

 Image: high school students searching for asteroids, at the Bareket observayory, Israel.


Generous sponsorship & assistance of Astro-EDU network is provided by:

1. Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund
2. S.BF
3. GTTP teacher training program

4. Emerald digital planetarium systems









Start exploring the universe


via :  www.bareket-astro.com/astronet 


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