מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Live astronomical webcasts

General information


There are a few things you must remember about watching a live telescope broadcast:

If there are clouds – you will see no image. If the camera isn’t turned on and broadcasting – you will only see the gray “frame” below where the image is meant to be.

Because the data load is so huge from the incoming images, it usually limits itself to refreshing about every 30 to 60 seconds. This means the image will appear static, then reset itself.

If you watch for a period of perhaps 10 minutes or so, you will notice appreciable movement against the background stars.


The tracking is usually set on the nucleus / center of the target, so that it won’t appear to move – the background stars will each time it refreshes. There can also be unforeseen glitches, (such as viewer overload) so please be patient! Last… There will be no image until the broadcast time.

You don’t have to click anywhere else – when the broadcast is happening it will be right on our website. We wish you an enjoy-full exploration.


Movie: Transit of Mercury archive show from the live coverage



Using our content


Use the following credits in any page/website you are interested in implementing our content on:

" This webcast is courtesy of

The Bareket observatory in Israel http://www.bareket-astro.com/en

Emerald digital planetarium systems http://emerald-planetariums.com "





About us


The Bareket observatory in Israel opens its remote robotic telescopes to the world-wide audience, via live webcasts of special celestial events.


Our first celestial webcast took place back in 04.26.2005 

These live events is enabling teachers, students and the general public to take a journey into space with our dedicated show guests, without ever leaving their home or classroom.


The Bareket Observatory's website also feature a section on experiments and activities, giving the viewers a chance to conduct their own science projects using the live  feed.

Educational institutions and individuals will be able to conduct real-time astronomy projects while interacting with others from around the world.

 m3 cluster

 Image: M3 globular cluster via our main robotic telescope

For more images visit the Image gallery



Teaching and Learning Resources


The Astro-Edu network, is our state-of-the-art astronomy education database for teachers, students and the general public.

An educational place with practical and computer-based activities to inspire and excite them, while supporting the National Curriculum.

With them, students and the general public can explore mathematics, physics, geography and other subjects using genuine astronomy and space-related data, while making real scientific observations.

During the broadcast you may save the images on your local PC. Educators may also be interested to project the feed on their Planetarium dome using a Digital planetarium projectors.


At the end of the event one could use the saved images in order to conduct amazing (and simple) science works! Via the Astro-Edu network

So you could witness interesting phenomenons, watch them and measure them.This is a wonderful oppertunity for educational institutions or individual, interested in making cool real time astronomy projects, while bonding with other people from accross the world.




Start exploring!


Using our resources one can explore topics such of Asteroids, our place in the universe, the Sun, Comets, stars and galaxies, and  exciting events like the Transit of Mercury as well as a Lunar eclipse and more...


 Video: one of our Deep Space Web Casts


Read abstracts of some of the research projects conducted by high-school students via our remote telescope:

1. Asteroid photometry, modeling and tracking

2. Binary stars photometry & 3D modeling






Sponsored by:

the Emerald planetariums. Digital planetarium systems

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מרחק צביר הכוכבים הכדורי העתיק M13 מאתנו הנו כ-22 אלף שנות אור. ערך בהירותו הנראית 5.8+ מגניטודה. זהו צביר בהיר יחסית וקל למציאה. השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבת בכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים הרקולס...
קרא עוד...
M13 - צביר הכוכבים בהרקולס
אדמת המאדים - אדמתו של מאדים מזכירה בצבעה את אדמת המכתש הגדול שבנגב. האדמה במאדים מורכבת בעיקר מצורן וברזל, וכן מאחוזים בודדים של מגנזיום, אלומיניום וטיטניום. הצבע האדום נובע מהתרחשות קורוזיה בעפרות הברזל שבאדמה, דבר המצריך הימצאותם של מים. כך שניתן לומר שאדמת המאדים "החלידה".להרחבה:http://www.bareket-astro.com/solar-system/planet-mars.html קרא עוד