מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

About us

IDA Israel - Light Pollution Middle East
Bareket observatory - Israel IDA section Bareket observatory's IDA 2002-2017 status report – (Hebrew) Less than 100 years ago, everyone could look up and see a spectacular starry night sky. Now, millions of children across the globe...
Chicago Israel Astronomical conference
International Video Conference, took place in Israel - connecting students through the globe via Astronomy science. In collaboration with students from Israel and Chicago, hosted by Bareket Observatory in Israel. As part of the Conference...
Sponsors - live astronomical webcasts
Emerald digital planetariums
TIS Aerospace Systems Israel
Advanced mechanical and optical tracking systems Satellite and NEO Science Satellites observe the Earth on a global level and take measurements to help improve our understanding of the dynamic processes at work. Natural...
Science-Astronomy Projects
Check out the following list of possible astronomy projects. The links are to websites relating to that particular subject that can be used as a starting point for research as they are not comprehensive resources by themselves. Feel free to contact...
Rock(ing)star Really Quakes (4.2 Magnitude) in Israel at the Bareket Observatory
[Hebrew] Check out this rock(ing) star image! The 15" Astrograph, equipped with an electronic CCD camera, was in the process of acquiring an image of the Flame nebula NGC2024. The telescopic system was using a narrow-band SII filter at the...
Show Guests
Our shows feature narration by numerous astronomy experts, who delighted to offer their knowledge along to way. We thank to our guests for helping us to bring a unique blend of science and education expertise through the years of live celestial...
Live astronomical webcasts
General information There are a few things you must remember about watching a live telescope broadcast: If there are clouds – you will see no image. If the camera isn’t turned on and broadcasting – you will only see the gray “frame” below...
Outreach activities
The Bareket observatory is dedicated to promoting the importance of science education and dark-sky preservation throughout our communities. That is why we partner with the IDA, AWB and outdoor initiatives around the world. With them, we’re...
The Bareket observatory in Israel - about us
The Bareket Observatory is a scientific & public outreach astronomical facility. Promoting science-education and astrophysical research among the local and global community. The facility located near Jerusalem, facing the Judea...
מרחק צביר הכוכבים הכדורי העתיק M13 מאתנו הנו כ-22 אלף שנות אור. ערך בהירותו הנראית 5.8+ מגניטודה. זהו צביר בהיר יחסית וקל למציאה. השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבת בכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים הרקולס...
קרא עוד...
M13 - צביר הכוכבים בהרקולס
אדמת המאדים - אדמתו של מאדים מזכירה בצבעה את אדמת המכתש הגדול שבנגב. האדמה במאדים מורכבת בעיקר מצורן וברזל, וכן מאחוזים בודדים של מגנזיום, אלומיניום וטיטניום. הצבע האדום נובע מהתרחשות קורוזיה בעפרות הברזל שבאדמה, דבר המצריך הימצאותם של מים. כך שניתן לומר שאדמת המאדים "החלידה".להרחבה:http://www.bareket-astro.com/solar-system/planet-mars.html קרא עוד