Astronomical webcasts
This relatively rare central eclipse -- meaning the moon will pass through the center of Earth's shadow -- promises to be longer and darker than usual. This should be one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in the last years.
July 27-28...
The flyby will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study a near-Earth object up close.
Asteroid 3122 Florence– Earth Flyby!
Tune in for a live free webcast! | 09/01/2017 19:00UTC
The Bareket observatory in Israel is glad to announce about a spectacular SUPER MOON webcast, available anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Participate in a multi-viewer broadcast of the most spectacular Super Moon of the year,...
The Bareket observatory in Israel is glad to announce about a spectacular FREE Meteor observing & detection webcast, available anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Participate in a multi-viewer broadcast of the most spectacular...
Students who participate at the Emerald planetariums educational programs are printing 3D models of space objects,
based on real hands-on experiments their are conducting via the Bareket observatory's robotic telescopes.
You can view a high...
On 13th February 2010, we made a special webcast of the transit of an extra solar planet named GJ-436 (and later on also the XO-3b system).You're welcome to join us in this extra-solar quest!
Images from the LIve event:
Deep space webcast (DSO) from a high-end robotic telescope. Including live explanations & musical representation for those who are blind.
Using a sophisticated robotic telescope and a super sensitive cooled CCD camera, special...
2010's Perseids meteor shower using CCDTV camera.
Our 2006 Gemenids meteor showerwebcast announcement:
Bareket observatory in Israel announces, for the first time in recorded history, for a new, spectacular FREE Meteor...
Lunar Halo - time sequence from the live footage, using the Bareket observatory's Allsky fisheye camera.
Israel clouds - time lapse weather, via the observatory's allsky camera. (Night and day)
Footage taken between 29-30.09.2012Bareket observatory.
Free Live Asteroid 1998 QE2 flyby Webcast | Bareket Observatory2013 May 31th
A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel featured the asteroid 1998 EQ2 flyby on May 31, 2013. The flyby provided a unique opportunity for researchers to...
High-res footage of the moon, through a large aperture telescope.
Footage from the live webcast, taken at 09.2006
A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the Mercury transit on May 9, 2016.
This relatively rare 'mini solar eclipse' -- meaning Venus will pass through the center of Earth's-Sun plane -- promises to be a truely unique...
Live broadcast of comet LoveJoy [C2014 Q2] & Asteroid 2004 BL86
25-29 January 2015, starting at 18:00 UTC
Archive webcast footage:
More vids
Live broadcast of comet LoveJoy
Watch Comet C2014 Q2 LoveJoy...
Asteroid 2012 DA14 – Earth Flyby. Tune in for a live free webcast! | 02/15/2013 20:15UTC
Small near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass very close to Earth on February 15. A record close approach for a known object...
Time sequencefootage from the Bareket observatory's Sky camera broadcast, available 24/7.The camera is an integrated part of the Remote Internet Telescope, operated for science and educational uses.
Lunar Halo
Read about the...
Free Live Venus-transit Webcast from Bareket Observatory2012 June 6thThe Bareket observatory team thank to all the viewers who joined us during the live event. Venus transit 2012 image gallery - is nowavailableon the...
Free Live Venus transit Webcast from Bareket Observatory2012 June 6th
Try your luck in real hands on Venus-transit experiements!
Bareket Observatory's website will also feature a section on astronomical experiments and activities...
Free Live Lunar Eclipse Webcast from Bareket Observatory2011 June 15th
(Article's Hebrew version - press here)
A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011.This relatively...
מרחק צביר הכוכבים הפתוח 'כימה' מאתנו הנו כ-420 שנות אור, ערך בהירותו הנראית 1.6+ מגניטודה.
הצביר מורכב מכוכבים רבים בעלי סוג ספקטרלי O, כאשר מסביב לצביר ערפילית החזרה מקסימה. זו ניתנת לצפיה בטלסקופים גדולים או באמצעות צילום בחשיפה...
קרא עוד...הידעת!
כוכב הלכת שבתאי - לכוכב הלכת שבתאי הצפיפות הסגולית הקטנה ביותר מכל כוכב הלכת.
צפיפותו כה קטנה - עד כדי שהוא יכול לצוף על פני המים.קרא עוד