מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

NASA Deep Space Webcast - live astronomical feed

(Article's Hebrew version  עברית )

Deep Space Live Web Cast : Join NASA in a special deep space journey through a robotic telescope!
The Live Deep Space web-cast launched during the Global Astronomy Month April 2011


Watch the after session show : from NASA's deep-space webcast





About the NASA 'Voyage into Deep Space'

Live Webcast with Sonification


It is a truly global effort, coordinated simultaneously by different organisations across the world.
The program provides a unique opportunity for educators, students, amateur astronomers, outreach promoters, as well as the general public to observe and appreciate our deep space universe using all of our senses...
NASA's deep space will be a virtual journey through a telescope with musical representation (sonification) to those who are blind, turning light-photons into sound!


Using a sophisticated robotic telescope and a super sensitive cooled CCD camera, special musical image sonifications for those who are blind and an expert astronomer who will provide live explanations - every one will have the ability to enjoy from his/her special private journey through space-time.
The public are encouraged to submit their "ask the astronomer" questions  via this form, before or during the live event.
Join us LIVE at : http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/programs/national/dln/webcast/webcast.html

" This truly amazing process will give students and the general public a unique
inside view to behind the observatory scenes,
while presenting to the viewers
how science is being done – all in real time

rsz_m51Image : M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy. Bareket observatory 

Movie: the Internet telescope help blind students to 'see' the universe

  {vimeo width="640" height="480"}37861635{/vimeo}

The event lasted 2 hours in duration, scheduled to take place at
        Sunday  10th April 2011 and 
Monday 11th April 2011
6:00pm GMT to 8pm GMT
(21:00-23:00 local Israel time)

14:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in New York
11:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Los Angeles
13:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Chicago

04:00:00 Monday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Australia/Lindeman
02:00:00 Monday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Asia/Shanghai

20:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Europe/Paris
19:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Europe/Lisbon
20:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Europe/Rome

20:00:00 Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Poland/Warsaw
Sunday April 10th and Monday 11th, 2011 in Russia/Moscow 22:00:00


–  Click here to see the web-cast timer, to find out when the event will start
Join us at : http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/programs/national/dln/webcast/webcast.html

A special multi-language ”ask the astronomer” page is at :

More information
This international webcast makes live images of Deep Space Objects accessible to everyone through an integrated presentation of live images, real-time and prerecorded musically encoded image sonification, scientific narration.  The images of space will be captured live through the Educational Internet accessible telescope of the Bareket Observatory in Israel, high resolution image sonification performed by Marty Quinn of Design Rhythmics Sonification Research Lab in New Hampshire, USA with expert commentary from Dr.Mark Hammergren of the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, USA. Individuals, museums and schools are invited to watch and listen to the webcast, and ask questions during the live webcast scheduled for two days during Global Astronomy Month on April 10th and 11th from 6pm to 8:00pm GMT. Information related to how the images become polyphonic, musical audio will be available on the Bareket and DRSRL websites one week in advance of the program.
As a part of the program - there will be special interviews with humanoid Star-guests and more!

The Bareket observatory will transfer live images as they're being captured by the Bareket Internet remote EDU scope, capturing objects such as : Nebulae, Galaxies, Asteroids, Minor planets, distant Quasars, Extra solar planet systems and more!
This project is a part of the Bareket observatory, Israel - global outreach educational activities

This is the second international webcast that will feature live and/or pre-recorded image sonifications using Design Rhythmics Sonification Research Lab methods which convey color, brightness and pixel location of image content through musical encoding. Pixel data color is translated into one of nine instruments and pixel brightness is translated into one of forty three pitches or 6 octaves in various musical scales. A set of images and corresponding music from the first webcast in 2009 .
The first deep-space webcast may be viewed at -  
 (use the upper-left flag on the above page, in order to translate the content into your preferred language)

The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) is collaborating with Bareket Observatory on variable-object studies, of which deep sky imaging and high accuracy photometry are key elements. This is being accomplished using a high end cooled astronomical CCD camera, connected to Bareket’s educational  Internet telescope.

Image : dust poles at the Rosetta nebula. Bareket observatory

What is Global astronomy month (GAM)?
GAM is a project of Astronomers Without Borders, which is dedicated to fostering understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries internationaly by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy.  Astronomers Without Borders bring people together around the world. Global Astronomy Month (GAM) is one such project.

StarLight Preservation : why can't we all enjoy the same skies ?

We are all voluntarily giving up our sight of the stars by allowing light pollution. Whether we are cosmic-touched by the view of the milkyway or distant galaxy - use musical sonification or light photons to connect with the cosmos... We first need a sky clear of light pollution. During this webcast,  guest speakers will present ideas how Together We Can work for Starlight Preservation.  Guest speakers will also show us how to create accessible astronomy programing and star parties www.onestar-awb.org

Bareket observatory is Israel's IDA section leader for light pollution

The event is an initiative of the following : 
- Dr. Robert Starr, NASA LEARN Project Manager (Learning Environments and Research Network), NASA Langley Research Center, VA
- Dr.Mark : Hammergren: Astronomer of the Adler planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago
- Marty Quinn, founder of Design Rhythmics Sonification Research Lab: music sonification for those who are blind
- Audrey : program’s coordinator, One Star at a Time ~ Global StarPark Network co-chair, StarPals founder, IDA board member
- Astronomers Without Borders:  "Global Astronomy Month" , " Astronomy without Barriers"  and  "Dark Sky Awareness" programs 
- Ido : Bareket observatory Israel, Internet robotic telescope

This webcast is made possible through the kind assistance, support and/or involvement of Audrey Fischer of  One Star at a Time & Astronomers Without Borders, Astronomy Without Barriers, Dr. Robert Starr at NASA’s Distant Learning Network, Don Watson at the Center for Educational Technologies, Mark Leonard of the Distance Learning Studio at the University of New Hampshire, the Experimental Space Plasma Group and Remote GIS Lab at the University of New Hampshire,  Frank Busutil of Project Bright Sky, Noreen Grice, You Can Do Astronomy LLC, the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and AAVSO
gam-awb-2011   drsrl  onestar-logo  NasaLogo  bareket_en
 & The ADLER Planetarium


Previous live webcasts :
- Solar eclipse 2011
- Deep sky objects for those who are blind 2009
- Exstar solar planet HAT-P-3 b (UMa) transit
- More...

Future live webcasts :

- NASA's deep space web cast, including sonification for those who are blind by Marty Quinn
- Lunar eclipse 2011

More interactive astronomical projects :
- Control our remote "Lunar rover"
- Astronet ; Astronomical-educational network
- Remote Educational Internet telescope control
- Live view from the obsevraotry

This project is a part of the Bareket observatory, Israel - outreach educational activities
 See also : Astronomy outreach and educational activities in the middle east

NASA logo is used with permission in connectionwith the NASA funded image sonification methods developed in the interactive exhibit “Walk on the Sun” by Design Rhythmics Sonification Research Lab and featured in this webcast

מרחק ערפילית הטבעת מאתנו הנו כ-2,300 שנות אור, ערך בהירותה הנראית 8.8+ מגניטודה. השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבת בכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים נבל (Lyra). זוהי קבוצה האופיינית לשמי הקיץ, וממקום ללא זיהום אור ניתן לראות...
קרא עוד...
M57 - ערפילית הטבעת
כוכב הלכת שבתאי - גודלו של כוח המשיכה על פני כוכב הלכת שבתאי קרוב מאוד לזה של כדור הארץ. בכוכב הלכת שבתאי גודל כוח המשיכה הינו 1.159 לעומת כדור הארץ שם ערכו של כוח המשיכה הינו 1.קרא עוד