Science-Astronomy Projects
Check out the following list of possible astronomy projects. The links are to websites relating to that particular subject that can be used as a starting point for research as they are not comprehensive resources by themselves. Feel free to contact us fo further assistance or scheduling scope-time.
Example works
Read research projects abstracts, conducted by students, via our remote telescope, using the Astro-EDU-Network:
1. Asteroid photometry, modeling and tracking
2. Binary stars photometry & 3D modeling [PDF]
Astronomy Projects
Observing the night sky
- Develop familiarity with simple observational skills. Keeping a log.
- Learn about rotation of the sky and why it occurs; axis of earth, zenith, meridian; how to measure distances using fist, hand, & fingers to estimate degrees; location of several major constellations. Podcast on the subject of Celestial Navigation.
- The magnitude system, estimating magnitudes, interpolation
- Lunar feature map/Crater counting/Relative ages of surfaces
- Right Ascension and Declination
- Constellations and star names
- Historical myths and legends of constellations and star names
- Ancient astronomical observations, observatories, role in society
- Motion of the earth/sun/moon
- Motion of the planets
- Observing Saturn
- Motion of the stars in the solar neighborhood and local galactic disk
- Tracking/Counting sunspots
- Astrophotography - Planetary, Lunar, Solar, Stellar, Deep sky
- Solar spectroscopy (spectrohelioscope)
- Stellar Spectroscopy & What we can learn about stars, more links
- Variable Stars, types/classifications
- Novae
- Variable Star observing, O-C curves, light curves, folded phase curves
- Plot HR Diagrams for star fields, , globular clusters
- Polarization
- Atmospheric phenomenon (effects of light in the Earth's atmosphere)
- Charts, maps, tables, catalogs
- Celestial Navigation & another link
- Use of compass, sextant, , gnomon
- Fundamental measurable properties of remote objects
- Measuring physical properties of remote objects
- Observing lunar librations and apparent diameter & YouTube video
- Proper motion of the planets, computing orbital elements & wikipedia article
- Tracking the sun: the analemma
- Distance to moon/planets via parallax
- Motion of nearby stars relative to back ground stars - computing distance from stellar parallax
- Star Counts as a function of galactic latitude and longitude
- Comet hunting
- Supernova hunting
- Near-Earth objects, , mapping, discovering
- Asteroid light curves
- Occultations (lunar, planetary)
- Planetary Observations: Monitoring the changing atmospheric conditions on Jupiter and Saturn
- Planetary Observations: Monitoring climate changes on Mars during oppositions
- Planetary Observations: Survey the atmosphere of Venus in quest of unusual spots
- Calculations of time hour-angles, programming calculations
- Telescope design, construction, principles
- How to determine true North and why this is important for telescopes: a daytime project.
- Learn to use Google Sky
- Using a Map at the Telescope
- Using a Planisphere
- Algol, eclipsing variable star with close-by star so close they seem at times to touch.
- Easily studied variable stars
- Andromeda galaxy
- Research a NASA mission, and report
- Nova Search: Discover flaring novae in nearby galaxies by “blinking” images of portions of Andromeda taken at different times
- Open Clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy: Study the properties of various star clusters in our galaxy, like the Pleiades.
- Spectroscopy of Giant and Supergiant Variable Stars
- AGN Spectroscopy: Uncover the mysteries of distant galaxies!
- Solar Magnetic Fields: Study how magnetic fields create features on the solar surface
- Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets
- Hydrodynamical Simulations
Start exploring the universe, via:
The Astro-EDU-Network
מרחק ערפילית המשקולת מאתנו הנו כ-1,360 שנות אור, ערך בהירותה הנראית 7.4+ מגניטודה.
השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבת בכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים דולפין (Delphinus).
זוהי קבוצה האופיינית לשמי הקיץ, וממקום ללא...
קרא עוד...הידעת!
ליקוי שמש - ליקוי חמה - זוהי תופעה מדהימה בה הירח עובר בדיוק בקו הראייה הגיאומטרי בין הצופה בכדור הארץ לבין השמש.
הירח מסתיר את רוב אור השמש מאתנו ונראה כי הוא 'אוכל' את השמש כולה!בתרבויות שונות העניקו הסברים מעניינים לתופעת ליקוי החמה. לדוגמה - עמים מסויימים במזרח העתיק, האמינו כי דרקון ענק אוכל את השמש ולכן היא נעלמת.עם זאת הקדמונים ידעו...קרא עוד