מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Perseids meteor shower live stream

The Bareket observatory in Israel is glad to announce about a spectacular FREE Meteor observing & detection webcast, available anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Participate in a multi-viewer broadcast of the most spectacular meteor shower of the year,  a real celestial light show
The Perseid meteor shower, which will take a place at the night of August 11th and 12th, 2016.


Movie: watch the the two-night UNCUT version of Perseid 2016 broadcast


Gallery: watch photo highlights from the Perseid 2016 broadcast

01 15 05 264 

02 04 09 302 

02 49 41 520

04 07 09 835

05 00 28 743

23 59 53 200



This webcast will be available for all the interested with no charge, in order to continue and develop the interest of youth and adults in astronomy and science, all over the world.
All is needed is to log into the observatory's website from a personal computer, using a simple internet browser in order to have the opportunity to watch a real celestial wonder. The Perseid meteor shower multi-viewer broadcast will be captured with a super high sensitivity CCD camera that is about 100X more sensitive than the human eye.

The camera and its special wide lens optical system will be located at the top of Bareket observatory's dome in Israel, where it will be possible to watch the meteor shower in the most optimal way and with ease, through the internet.

This unique system will enable the viewer to watch the meteor shower without even leaving home, school or the office – in the middle of the U.S day light time ! Perseid Meteor Live shower voyage !!!

11,12 August 2016 , 19:00-24:00 UTC

...The image will be Auto-Refreshed in
0 Seconds

The Emerald™ planetariums Live-observatory-planetarium connection users

are encouraged to tune in their planetariums to the live event


 Meteor shower

 Image: the perseid meteors Radiant. Stacked image

 The live broadcast will be visible at: http://www.bareket-astro.com/en





What are meteor showers?

An increase in the number of meteors at a particular time of year is called a meteor shower.
Comets shed debris in space, which become in time a cloud of particles. When the Earth enters this cloud -  we can observe a meteor shower.


Audio - information about the Perseid 2016 meteor shower


As comets orbit the Sun, the meteors shed a dusty debris stream along the comet's orbit. If Earth travels through this dusty stream, we could watch a meteor shower.
Depending on where Earth and the stream meet, meteors appear to fall from a particular place in the sky, at the area of a specific constellation.
This is a region in the sky astronomers call - the radiant.

comet gerrard perseid meteor

Image: comet gerrard & a perseid meteor (upper-left). Via the Bareket's remote telescope


We expect to see at least 60 meteors in 1 our, though the optimists talk about 120 per hour, or more.
The high sensitivity camera and special lens will be able to expose the viewer to much fainter meteors than will be possibly detect with the unaided eye.
It is very possible that the optimistic scenario will be doubled and even tripled with the assistance of the observatory's special system.

This special broadcast is a part of the Bareket observatory educational activities, among their Astro-EDU network, Mars remote control robot, live earth dial, virtual telescope, astronomical remote labs and more…

It is highly recommended to sketch the meteors and send your finding to the IMO (international meteors organization).
This is your opportunity to be a part of real astronomical science – without leaving your couch !




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