מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Astronomical webcasts

Total Lunar Eclipse LIVE WEBCAST with NASA
This relatively rare central eclipse -- meaning the moon will pass through the center of Earth's shadow -- promises to be longer and darker than usual. This should be one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in the last years. July 27-28...
Giant Asteroid 3122 Florence passes Earth - LIVE WEBCAST
The flyby will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study a near-Earth object up close. Asteroid 3122 Florence– Earth Flyby! Tune in for a live free webcast! | 09/01/2017 19:00UTC Movie:...
November’s supermoon - live stream webcast
The Bareket observatory in Israel is glad to announce about a spectacular SUPER MOON webcast, available anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Participate in a multi-viewer broadcast of the most spectacular Super Moon of the year,...
Perseids meteor shower live stream
The Bareket observatory in Israel is glad to announce about a spectacular FREE Meteor observing & detection webcast, available anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Participate in a multi-viewer broadcast of the most spectacular...
Asteroid 3D printing - 3D models of celestial targets
Students who participate at the Emerald planetariums educational programs are printing 3D models of space objects, based on real hands-on experiments their are conducting via the Bareket observatory's robotic telescopes. You can view a high...
EXTRASOLAR PLANET XO-3b transit AstroCast
On 13th February 2010, we made a special webcast of the transit of an extra solar planet named GJ-436 (and later on also the XO-3b system).You're welcome to join us in this extra-solar quest! Images from the LIve event: Image:...
Deep space webcast - live telescope session IYA2009 | Bareket observatory Israel
Deep space webcast (DSO) from a high-end robotic telescope. Including live explanations & musical representation for those who are blind. Using a sophisticated robotic telescope and a super sensitive cooled CCD camera, special...
Perseids meteor shower 2010
2010's Perseids meteor shower using CCDTV camera. Our 2006 Gemenids meteor showerwebcast announcement: Bareket observatory in Israel announces, for the first time in recorded history, for a new, spectacular FREE Meteor...
Lunar Halo
Lunar Halo - time sequence from the live footage, using the Bareket observatory's Allsky fisheye camera. bareket-astro.com/observing-the-universe-cosmos/what-makes-a-halo-around-the-sun-or-moon.html
Clouds time lapse
Israel clouds - time lapse weather, via the observatory's allsky camera. (Night and day) Footage taken between 29-30.09.2012Bareket observatory. bareket-astro.com
Asteroid 1998 QE2 flyby
Free Live Asteroid 1998 QE2 flyby Webcast | Bareket Observatory2013 May 31th A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel featured the asteroid 1998 EQ2 flyby on May 31, 2013. The flyby provided a unique opportunity for researchers to...
High resolution Lunar surface
High-res footage of the moon, through a large aperture telescope. Footage from the live webcast, taken at 09.2006
Transit of Mercury - Live webcast
A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the Mercury transit on May 9, 2016. This relatively rare 'mini solar eclipse' -- meaning Venus will pass through the center of Earth's-Sun plane -- promises to be a truely unique...
Comet Lovejoy and Asteroid 2004 BL - Live webcasts
[Hebrew] Live broadcast of comet LoveJoy [C2014 Q2] & Asteroid 2004 BL86 25-29 January 2015, starting at 18:00 UTC Archive webcast footage: More vids Live broadcast of comet LoveJoy Watch Comet C2014 Q2 LoveJoy...
Asteroid 2012 DA14 flyby LIVE WEBCAST
[Hebrew] Asteroid 2012 DA14 – Earth Flyby. Tune in for a live free webcast! | 02/15/2013 20:15UTC Small near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass very close to Earth on February 15. A record close approach for a known object...
Lunar Halo - time sequence movie
Time sequencefootage from the Bareket observatory's Sky camera broadcast, available 24/7.The camera is an integrated part of the Remote Internet Telescope, operated for science and educational uses. Lunar Halo Read about the...
Venus transit webcast [Live, free] - 6 June 2012
Free Live Venus-transit Webcast from Bareket Observatory2012 June 6thThe Bareket observatory team thank to all the viewers who joined us during the live event. Venus transit 2012 image gallery - is nowavailableon the...
Venus Transit Online - experiements & activities
Free Live Venus transit Webcast from Bareket Observatory2012 June 6th Try your luck in real hands on Venus-transit experiements! Bareket Observatory's website will also feature a section on astronomical experiments and activities...
Rare central Lunar eclipse, june 2011 Live webcast
Free Live Lunar Eclipse Webcast from Bareket Observatory2011 June 15th (Article's Hebrew version - press here) A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011.This relatively...
NASA Deep Space Webcast - live astronomical feed
(Article'sHebrew version עברית ) Deep Space Live Web Cast : Join NASA in a special deep space journey through a robotic telescope!The Live Deep Space web-cast launched during the Global Astronomy Month April 2011 Watch the...
מרחק ערפילית המשקולת מאתנו הנו כ-1,360 שנות אור, ערך בהירותה הנראית 7.4+ מגניטודה. השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבת בכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים דולפין (Delphinus). זוהי קבוצה האופיינית לשמי הקיץ, וממקום ללא...
קרא עוד...
M27 - ערפילית המשקולת
בהירות נראית - עוצמת ההארה של כוכב כפי שנראית מכדור הארץ. עוצמת ההארה הנראית תלויה במרחקו של הכוכב מאיתנו ובהארה העצמית שלו. כוכבים בעלי בהירות נראית שווה, נראים לכאורה מרוחקים מאתנו מרחק שווה. כוכב רחוק למדי ובעל בהירות גדולה, נראה בצפייה בלתי אמצעית כאילו מרחקו מאתנו שווה למרחקו של כוכב חיוור, יחסית, הקרוב בהרבה אל כדה"אקרא עוד